Some Minor Rants

No. There is no excuse.

Heyos Everyones!

Another update in the same month? The Vesperia review actually went up? I’d have to say, I’m more active now that I actually thought I would be. But, what can I say? It feels like the wheels of fate have begun turning again, after a 6 month hiatus. Things have finally perked up for me again, and I’m super excited to see what the rest of the year will bring on. I plan on going to Saboten Con, a convention located in Arizona that is actually pretty close to me, and school will begin next month, resulting in a busy schedule that I am actually looking forward to.

Now, I named this based on what I have to say next. I’ve been hearing talk about what people think of newer consoles and what the future holds for gaming. As an owner of a PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, I feel like I’ve spent quite some time in this current generation. However, with the changes that have been happening recently, regarding internet censorship, excessive DRM, and other poor selfish measures taken by companies to protect copyright, I can’t say I want newer systems to come out just yet. Don’t get me wrong, when it comes to my consoles, they’re all connected to the internet and I’m generally logged in while I play. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll always be online while playing games. I’m hoping that Microsoft and Sony will actually avoid using measures to prevent people from playing games they have purchased. It’s hard to tell where the line is nowadays, with so many laws changing and people getting screwed out of games they paid money for. For example, on-disc DLC pisses me off to no end, and I can’t advocate paying for content on a disc that I already paid for. I’m fine with adding content to a game via online stores, whether or not that may encourage companies to put less effort toward post game and fun content that players may unlock in game, but don’t charge for content that should have come with the game in the first place, proven by the fact it’s on the disc!

In addition to that, if newer consoles are released, backwards compatibility must be added to the system, along with the transfer of content purchased on the previous system. I don’t want to buy a PlayStation 4 just to find out my previous games won’t work for the system, and my digital content is going to be lost once the PS3 is no longer supported by Sony. This is really a fear due to the lack of physical property in today’s gaming world. Sure, there are still disc-based games, but everything is moving toward digital releases. What’s going to happen when that digital software is no longer supported by the publisher? I fear it may be lost forever.

Of course, that’s not to say physical copies are forever. There’s always downsides to physical copies. However, physical copies give consumers the feeling of owning something. It’s a successful feeling that will probably be lost someday in the digital transition. But, I know I’m not alone in this regard; premium copies of games released nowadays contain physical “gifts” that push consumers to purchase said product, and with the success of many collectors and premium editions, I know there is a calling for physical property.

Well, most of what I said above is probably gibberish, and hard to understand. However, what I wrote above has been formulating in my head for some time, and I really needed to find some way to stop thinking about it. Anyways, I’m working on some other stuff for the site, so look for it in the near future!

A simple July update.

Colors everywhere. Never ends, never begins.
Heyos Everyones!

I’m back from Anime Expo, and although I can safely say I’m happy to be back, I’ll miss that exciting and lively atmosphere of con. In other news, I’m actually on-track to watch this new season of anime, which will result in some slow updates in regards to the Tales series. On that note, I’m very excited to hear that Tales of Xillia has been announced for release in the western hemisphere, and I’m happy to see Namco Bandai acknowledge the success of Tales of Graces and Tales of the Abyss.

I’ve recently started the new season of anime, and I don’t know if this season just has better anime, or if I’ve just been uninterested in previous seasons, but I actually have quite a bit of new anime on my list. Sword Art Online is among my favorites, and Koichoco is hilarious. I also recently started Hyouka, which actually interests using mystery elements, something not often seen in most anime.

I know I said the Tales of Vesperia review would be up shortly, but I’ve recently been packing and making sure last weekend went smoothly. Now that I’m finally getting back on track with work and rest. The review will be up before next weekend, whether or not that means anyone will actually read it. I also would like to make video reviews, but it’s really all about how much :effort: I want to put towards anything. I guess time will tell how things develop, and if the past is any indication, then nothing will be done other than the basics.

In any means, enjoy the week and take care!

Preparations for the coming months.

Lloyd from Symphonia
Dat Lloyd, always doing something troublesome.
Heyos Everyones!

It’s already time for Anime Expo 2012. I can’t believe how fast time has gone this past year, and I’m looking forward to enjoying a week doing nothing but enjoying anime, manga, and other things that you can only experience at an Anime Convention. Honestly, I’m still trying to prepare for the trip, as I don’t leave very often, but I’m really trying to make sure it all comes together before I leave.

I’ve been working on the official website, as some may already know by looking at the link to the right. It’s a simple design that flows with the blog, but it works well enough for my tastes. Of course, I really don’t have too much to add to the site at the moment, but that’ll change soon.

In regards to the content of this blog, I have a rough copy of my Vesperia review (Xbox 360, as I haven’t completed the PS3 Version yet), and I’m currently playing through Symphonia to get my recent opinions on it. Symphonia was the first “Tales of” game I had played, so I hold fond memories of the game, and I now see that some of the features I held in high regard are missing from the older Tales games. Of course, that doesn’t make Symphonia a bad game, but it does feel lacking in certain departments.

As usual, I’m about 1~2 seasons behind on my backlog of anime. The only series I am up to date with at this moment is Nyaruko, but I will certainly finish the other series before I leave for the expo. I can’t let myself get behind again, especially knowing I’m going to an expo full of anime goodness.

That’s about it for what I have to say, so look out for my final copy of the Vesperia review, that should be coming soon.

Next time,

It’s summer, and the heat just continues to grow.

Raven had a pretty depressing past...
Heyos Everyones!

Not much has been going on, but it has been awhile since I’ve last posted here, and I figure I should make up for it. I’ve been playing way too much Tales of Vesperia, and I’ve been watching less anime as a result, which means I have a ton of anime on my to-watch list now. Of course, it’s not terrible, as some of the anime these past two seasons have been quite tasteless at first glance, and I can’t say I’m all that interested to watch them. But, the time will come when I find myself catching up on those series.

I’ve been watching Namco Bandai’s livestream, and I can’t say I’ve been impressed. This E3 hasn’t been all that exciting, and I’m rather peeved that Namco hinted that something was going to be announced related to Tales, but will *most likely* not deliver on those promises. Ni no Kuni looks splendid though, and I actually might find myself spending money on that along with Persona 4 Golden.

Other than that, I’ve been preparing for AX2012, and getting ready for another year of school. Hopefully I’ve find more to talk about in the near future, with the convention behind me, and perhaps find the time to complete another review on Tales of Vesperia. Until then, seeya!


May has arrived at last.

Sometimes I wonder if there's a facination with Chinese Dresses...
Heyos Everyones!

It’s already the end of one month and the beginning of another. It hard to believe that time has moved so quickly, but there’s not much to do other than go with it and hope for the best. In terms of what I’ve been up to, it’s not much, but mainly just playing Tales of Graces, Abyss, and attempting to catch up on the anime that I have let pile up in one little corner.

This season of anime really doesn’t have too much that interests me. I plan on watching Hyouka and some others, and I’ve already started watching Fate/Zero season 2, so I’ve at least got that going for me. I’m still trying to watch all of last season’s anime, and should be catching up shortly. It doesn’t help that I’ve been on an Tales of kick lately, and I plan on completing Symphonia soon to see how it’s changed from what I remember. I plan on writing a proper review for Abyss in the future, along with Vesperia, Symphonia, and I may work my way back to the older titles such as Eternia and Phantasia.

As for working on anime reviews, that’ll have to wait until I get a better idea of how to do so. I want to create video reviews, for either games and anime, but I can’t seem to find a good way to do so. Not to mention, I’d have to purchase a new microphone and capture card to create a video I’m truly proud of. However, I plan on doing something more, and I will write more reviews in the future, even if it’s just written reviews for now.

Anime Expo 2012 is coming up as well, and even though it’s still 2 months away, preparations are now finalizing and I need to get ready to go for the weekend. It’s always a good time, and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen this year. I want to say I’ll take more pictures this year, but with all the excitement, I usually take few pictures and the ones I do take end up crappy. Maybe I need to invest in a new camera, but that’s just more money I’d rather not spend. Either way, this con is going to be great, and I just need to make sure everything goes smoothly this year, even though I’m used to one or two major incidents happening.

Well, that about wraps it up for now. Look forward to my next review, which should be up in the coming days. Monday will be the ideal day for it, but no guarantees.

Y U No Post?

'Nuff Said.

Sorry Sorry, I’ve been worked up playing Tales of Graces f, and haven’t had much interest in doing anything else. So all I’ve been doing is playing that, working, and sleeping. I would write more, but I don’t have too much to say at this point, and as such, I’ll be ending the post here. Expect more to come after I finish the game!


P.S. – That Code Geass DLC better come to the states!

Japanese Festivals

Saber - I think I am ready for some more Fate / Zero. Next season please!
Heyos Everyones!

Today I decided to visit Glendale Community College on an off day, as they were holding a Japanese festival. They held one last year as well, but this year definitely had more advertising, and as a result, more people. Compared to last year, it was really the same thing, but still a fantastic visit, as I was unable to attend Matsuri down in Phoenix, back in February. It’s always a pleasure to learn about traditions and customs of Japan, such as setting up a Tea Ceremony and Taiko Drums (Something that has always fascinated me). Not to mention there was free food, so it was definitely a worthwhile trip and I’m pleased I wasn’t required to be at work until later in the evening.

I finally decided to start working on my anime backlog, starting with Mouretsu Pirates. I’ve currently been getting ready to watch Nisemonogatari and Inu x Boku SS, along with Another and Ano Natsu. Luckily, I have time to work on both my anime backlog and my gaming backlog, even if Tales of Graces f comes out next week.

I’m honestly shocked at how much anime is finally coming to the states in Blu-ray format and/or full season box-sets. It seems like every time I visit Amazon, I see another series that is ready to be released. I noticed Ookami-san is being released the beginning of April, and for only $39 you can get the complete blu-ray. Considering most series (Although I will admit, Sentai Filmworks is the only one releasing for this price) are running for close to $60+, I believe this is a steal for a decent series. I found it enjoyable, but I know many would disagree. Now when Steins;Gate comes out on Blu-ray…

As for now, it’s time to sit back and listen to some music, so I will post again soon. Although I don’t have anything planned out at the moment, I will definitely get some interesting content for the site and the blog. Right now, I’m really just focused on cleaning up my backlog. ‘Til next time,


March, and something gets done!

I find this show enjoyable, but it lacks a few moments of awesomeness.
Heyos Everyones!

I’ve decided to clean up the blog with a new layout and color scheme, which I believe increases the overall visibility of the site. The only thing I’m really looking to change is the link color, and anything I’ve missed while applying the change. All minor things that can be fixed over the next few days. In addition, the new site should be ready in the coming days, but I may hold off on changing the way the site runs until the actual website has content, not just the blog.

I recently watched the latest episodes of Persona 4, and I must say I really like the way it has all come together. As one who has played the games, I know what’s going to happen, but the anime is surprisingly true to the story and although the animation can be quite lazy at times, an enjoyment to watch. I have plans to watch Kill Me Baby! and Nisemonogatari, but I’ve only watched the first episode and haven’t really started watching those yet. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I haven’t set aside time to watch anime. I’m close to being caught up with Amagami SS+ and…

As I look at my backlog, I just now realize I haven’t been keeping up with Guilty Crown, Highschool DxD, Milky Holmes II(Which I will admit, is quite cringeworthy at times), and Mouretsu Pirates. Which means I must set aside some time tonight to catch up, because I also have a million games on my backlog, and I don’t know how I’m going to catch up with so many distractions on the internet. Seriously, I spend 99% of my time surfing tvtropes, youtube, or a forum such as Sonic Retro and Cheap Ass Gamer.

Speaking of games, I just ordered a game from Japan that I’ve been meaning to buy for awhile now. But with Tales of Graces f coming out March 13(Which I have pre-ordered and can’t wait to put on my backlog of a million games), I figure now is a better time than ever to buy it.

Regardless, I plan on updating more now (Especially now that I have a nice keyboard to type on), and with a new computer, I intend to finish the projects I left behind a little over a year ago. So, on that note, have a great night!

(Funny, as I close out this post, Galo Sengen decides to come on. When this song comes on, I don’t know what to think, it’s like…”What?”)


Another February has almost ended!

Saya no Uta - Surprisingly Interesting
Heyos Everyones!

It’s been a busy February, and hard to believe that it’s almost over. Luckily, it’s a leap year so I get one extra day to work or do nothing, as which seems to be the case 90% of the time. I haven’t even really caught up on which anime I’m going to be watching this season, even though it’s over halfway over. Gah. Anyways, I’m still trying to finish Final Fantasy XIII, as I’ve already purchased XIII-2 and still have it sealed and ready to play. Tales of Graces-f comes out this March, and I want to finish FFXIII before I start another RPG. Hope that works out, but I’m not going to be too optimistic.

In terms of the website, I’m attempting to revive the site with a new layout and design. This will carry over to the blog, to seamlessly blend the two together once I actually have a site up again. I do have something I plan to put up soon, and although it has nothing to do with games, it does have something to do with music and anime. It’s nothing big, but maybe with something up I will have more motivation to do something with the site.

Again, I haven’t really been watching too much anime. I’ve built a new computer and have been using that, and I don’t want to stress it out as it gets really loud under load. By that, I mean the Power Supply, which gets unreasonably loud and gives me reason not to go with OCZ again. I’m replacing it with a Corsair PSU, and that should be the end of my troubles. Anyways, I will be working on the site the next few days, and in turn, should have something to show for it at the end of the week.


The Year of Success

A surprisingly fun PSP game.
Out of the servants in Fate / Extra, I really like Caster.

Heyos everyone!

Ace here. Forgive me for my absence and lack of updates this past year, as 2011 was most definitely not the best year for me. However, being a new year, I plan to take that negativity and turn it inside out, making 2012 a fantastic year and one of the best years to come! Although I have stopped updating my old projects, such as the MapleStory soundtrack, I plan to replace them with new projects that will be better than anything I have ever worked on. Time will not be wasted this year, and I know that good things are to come. I do plan on finishing what “Let’s Plays” I have left, and perhaps even starting a new one (Although I won’t start uploading until every part is finished, to ensure there are no delays in uploads), and I also plan to put my programming experience to the test and work on projects that may or may not involve anime and manga.

In terms of anime, I haven’t lost track of my current series. I’ve recently finished Ika Musume II, Working`!!, Fate/Zero, Haganai, Ben-tou, and  Idolm@ster. I am currently watching C3, Persona, and Guilty Crown. I intend to watch Kill Me Baby, High School DxD, Nisemonogatari, Milky Holmes II, and Amagami SS II. I’m amazed I still have time to watch these series, but it doesn’t seem like I will lose interest anytime soon. I’m actually re-watching Shakugan no Shana as well, as I want to watch the final season, but I want to recall all the events of the first two seasons before I begin watching the last season. All in all, it’s been a decent year for anime, and I have no intention of slowing down.

In terms of video games, I’ve been playing Final Fantasy XIII, and tried to play Eternal Sonata. Eternal Sonata was just too slow and boring for my tastes. Every time I played it, I felt a stronger urge to play Tales of Vesperia. I guess Eternal Sonata just isn’t the game for me. FFXIII isn’t as bad as everyone says, and I actually enjoy my time playing it. Is it the best game in the series? No, but it’s still enjoyable. I want to voice my opinion on more games, but now isn’t the time for that, and perhaps I’ll have some time later to voice my opinion on these games.

Thus, I hope everyone had a good New Year’s, and remember, don’t let life get you down. Keep on fighting and remember what you’re fighting for. Enjoy the moment, and look forward to what awaits you. For me, school begins tomorrow, and although circumstances have resulted in me taking less classes that I’d like, it really is for the better at this time, as I need to catch up on what’s important, my focus. Stay cool everyone, and expect to see more from me this year.
