Business as usual.

Sometimes I wish I could just drive like that to school without worries.


I have 3/4 classes on Tuesday and Thursday. One of my classes occurs daily, so either way, I’m stuck going to campus everyday, and waiting until 7PM for my last class on Tuesday and Thursday, because my class before that ends at 1PM. Fun, right? Not for my car. I’m still not used to going 30mi each day in heavy traffic, mainly because the “construction” is horrible on these roads near the college. My wallet is slowly becoming thinner and thinner, as I travel between locations, and my job isn’t really the “best” paying job out there. But alas, it’s a job, and I really can’t say I don’t enjoy working.

Oh, I currently work a Fry’s Food Stores, a division of Kroger stationed in Arizona. It’s a fun job, but for all the time I’ve been there, my pay doesn’t seem to keep up. I guess that can happen at any job though, right?

So I get home after my boring math class (Which ends at 8:50), and I play some GTA4, just for kicks. The main reason I own that game is for the sandbox qualities it possesses, and I just love blowing stuffs up. A great way to pass some time and relieve some anger, you know? Wakes you up after a boring math class, and a boring drive home.

I don’t have any backlogged anime at the moment (Well, I do, but none from this season that I feel like watching), as I just watched Ookami-san last night. It’s a great series, and I’m enjoying the cliffhanger that episode 10 brought on. Shame the summer season’s almost over, it actually had some good shows.

That’s it for today. Hope everyone enjoys this great Friday!

Heyos Everyones!

I guess I may as well introduce myself.

My name is Anthony, going by the nickname Ace, which was given to me by my Papa long ago. I currently live in Arizona, and attend Glendale Community College. In addition, I’m an avid anime and gaming fan, and love activities concerning computers, anime, and gaming.

Why would I set up a blog? My main reason must be my desire to do something with this domain, as I’ve had it registered for about 4 years. In addition, I want to give my opinion on matters regarding anime, manga, computers, and just my everyday life. Perhaps I shouldn’t go into such a mundane topic, but what better do I have to do with my time?

Anyways, I hope to continue this blog and cover many subjects of my everyday life, so I have something to look back on in the future. I also hope my endeavors prove to be an interesting read to other who stumble upon this blog.

To the future,
Anthony (Acev)